This is a community developed tool to assist clinicians in the assessment of likeliehood of COVID-19 in a patient presenting with symptoms.
This tool is not intended to replace guidance from CDC, Hospital Policy, or Specialist and Physician recommendations. Clinicians should always exercise their own judgement when assessing risks and benefits of treatment decisions.
Kat Zechar, MD
Internal Medicine
[[Click to evaluate patient's subjective symptoms of possible COVID-19]]
[[low risk symptoms]]
Runny Nose
Sore Throat
[[moderate risk symptoms]]
GI upset (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting)
Contact with COVID patient while wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
[[high risk symptoms]]
Known contact with COVID patient without PPE
FeverThe following Objective Signs are consistent with COVID-19
AST/ALT/LDH elevation
Troponin Elevation or New onset systolic dysfunction
Elevated Inflammatory markers (Ferritin, CRP, DDimer w/no VTE)
Radiographic findings: "multifocal pneumonia" or "ground glass opacities" or "peripheral infiltrates"
Patient has 0-1 of these findings, or another clinical cause for signs/symptoms (ie Hx of COPD/Hepatitis) [[low subjective low objective]]
Patient has 1-2 of these findings [[low subjective moderate objective]]
Patient has 2 or more of these findings [[low subjective high objective]]The following Objective Signs are consistent with COVID-19
AST/ALT/LDH elevation
Troponin Elevation or New onset systolic dysfunction
Elevated Inflammatory markers (Ferritin, CRP, DDimer w/no VTE)
Radiographic findings: "multifocal pneumonia" or "ground glass opacities" or "peripheral infiltrates"
Patient has 0-1 of these findings, or another clinical cause for signs/symptoms (ie Hx of COPD/Hepatitis) [[moderate subjective low objective]]
Patient has 1-2 of these findings [[moderate subjective moderate objective]]
Patient has 2 or more of these findings [[moderate subjective high objective]]The following Objective Signs are consistent with COVID-19
AST/ALT/LDH elevation
Troponin Elevation or New onset systolic dysfunction
Elevated Inflammatory markers (Ferritin, CRP, DDimer w/no VTE)
Radiographic findings: "multifocal pneumonia" or "ground glass opacities" or "peripheral infiltrates"
Patient has 0-1 of these findings, or another clinical cause for signs/symptoms (ie Hx of COPD/Hepatitis) [[high subjective low objective]]
Patient has 1-2 of these findings [[high subjective moderate objective]]
Patient has 2 or more of these findings [[high subjective high objective]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Low Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Low Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Moderate Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Low Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Moderate Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[High Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[Moderate Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[High Risk]]Based on Subjective and Objective symptoms, this patient is overall
[[High Risk]]LOW RISK
This patient may merit SARS-CoV-2 testing to assist in decision-making for return to work and self-quarantine.
This patient should continue to monitor themselves closely for the development of new symptoms, and report said symptoms to their healthcare professional with prompt re-evaluation of risk.
[[Start Over|Introduction]]MODERATE RISK
This patient merits SARS-CoV-2 testing to guide further treatment decisions.
Depending on severity of clinical illness, they may merit inpatient management and close observation until SARS-CoV-2 testing is complete.
[[Start Over|Introduction]]HIGH RISK
This patient is at HIGH RISK for COVID-19 and merits rapid initiation of SARS-CoV-2 testing with possible empiric treatment for COVID-19 per local protocols.
This tool recommends inpatient management of this patient, especially if they have any of the following comorbidities:
Age >60
HTN, DM, Cardiovascular Disease
Pre-existing Lung Disease
Patients with COVID-19 are at risk for rapid onset Respiratory Failure and Cardiac Arrest. This tool strongly recommends that patients are made aware of these risks and discuss their CODE STATUS with the treatment team.
[[Start Over|Introduction]]