SJMO Residents

Resident Life
Our 53 residents learn through hands-on patient care, while still maintaining dedicated time for longitudinal study, research, recreation and other commitments. Residents average 5-8 days off/month, with dedicated monthly Wellness Events.

Resident Research and Teaching
Our residents and faculty regularly present research at the Local, State and National levels, through organizations including ACP, SGIM, ATS, ACG and ACC.
We are one of 6 accredited Residency Programs in addition to Cardiology Fellowship. We are affiliated with Ross University and are a top clinical site for undergraduate medical education.

Graduate ready for practice
Recent Resident Fellowship Placements:
Cardiology – Orange Park Medical Center, FL
Geriatric Medicine – Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University, MI
Nephrology -Virginia Commonwealth University, VA
Infectious Disease – William Beaumont Hospital/Oakland University, MI
Recent Resident Employment Contracts
Hospitalist, Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
Mercy Hospitalists – St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Chief Resident – St. Mary Mercy Livonia
Primary Care – Elmhurt Memorial Clinic